Chaired by a Conservation Commission member, we come from various interest groups around Walpole:
The Walpole Walkers, mountain bikers, and hikers, among all outdoor-minded residents.
Membership and participation in WTC events is open to all Walpole residents.
MEETINGS: The second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, in the Walpole Town Hall. Everyone is welcome.
MEMBERS Becky Brown / Caryn Corcoran / Wendy Grossman, Chair / Will Grossman / Jeff Harrington /
France Menk / Tom Murray / Don Sellarole / Lew Shelley / Sharyn Tullar / Rob Westover.
Our mission is to restore, maintain and develop trails within Walpole. We create and update maps, maintain existing trails
yearly, and conduct large trail construction projects when necessary. To educate and advocate for the outdoors
– and our trails – we hold public events, trail and wildlife walks, and trail maintenance days. We look for new trail building
opportunities, and work with outside organizations to connect existing trail networks.
Let us know your thoughts, your wishes, your ideas.
Published comments will show at the bottom of the page. Your email will not be shared or sold.